Monday, January 6, 2014

Time and Temperature: from 05:54AM until 07:54AM.....

-9F. This was the real and actual temperature registered, for the duration of two hours, at Columbia Regional Airport in Columbia, Missouri on the morning of Jan 6, 2014, this very morning. That is quite impressive considering how far south we are of North Dakota, or Minnesota and all parts north. Now that this has been established, I wonder how many grapevines I will have growing in late May of 2014. I wonder how many will survive this cold snap; I am pretty certain that the hybrids from the University of Minnesota's grape breeding program will come out of this unscathed. I can't hazard a guess, but I feel confident about the impervious ways of my grapevines, all of the varietals I have worked hard to grow in the past years. And that confidence helps in most situations. - Cheers to all!
