I am starting this blog because I have to. It is pretty ridiculous to say that everyone has a story because we all know this. It is not new information. Understanding is not expanded by reiterating the statement. It might have been considerable as an idea about 16 years ago. But here I am looking at the not so distant birthday of 35 years and, yet again, another damned career change. Damn. And that is about how I feel. I don't feel that way about life, I guess I never found it. I never got the golden nugget. The search is ever-pressing. I am not a vagabond. I am not a hero, I just haven't landed on the one career that seemingly everyone else and their unborn child has, or knew to go after during their last year of high school and in their years at university. I have found the girl. I have found other things. I have found hobbies. I have come to foster zest, come to know it for my own life and no one else's. But questions still shout and make me uncomfortable. I have saved the world with my current job. But I am tired of saving the world and I am not ashamed of saying it, I am comfortable with laying down my weapon or bag or suitcase, or whatever accoutrement that was part and parcel with the task of saving the world.
I am interested in interviewing others. I am interested in learning how they go ahead and proceed with their journey of changing a career. It is a process that is all too familiar to me, and I don't even know if I am finished with it yet. Although, I don't want to be finished with it. And that might be another discussion, that of associating change with always feeling unsettled, or however the impulse can be best characterized. Does the feeling of turbulence in soul always prompt change? But for another time.
I find myself watching loads of Charlie Rose on TV, if I ever get in front of one, and on the internet. I love the man, I love that he has been interviewing others in this world for years. Determining reasons, learning about reasons; the why that causes one to choose A over B. He asks of others, "How did you come to this conclusion about matters?". I guess I ask myself that. I ask others that question, but far too often it is a question I never utter audibly, but I want to change that behaviour I simply want to learn about others' process. How do others undertake life change? How do others come conclude that a shift needs to occur in their lives? Give me a reason, for God's sake, because I am terribly interested.
The aim is not that this blog be at the top of the world. I just need to do this. It interests me, people interest me.
Short on time. Later I'll provide more reasons for my change, because starting this blog is a change in my behaviour, so it would only be appropriate for me to set out to explain myself. And that is really what interests me about others. I want them to explain themselves, and give them an opportunity to do it before a camera, or a microphone, maybe I'll post print interviews, but that might be less a medium of choice.
These interviews and conversations won't be always smooth, appealing or seemless. Hopefully they will get to that quality as things progress and I get into the habit of it all, find a rhythm, etc.
For now, thank you for reading. I'll leave you with a trace of my 'other' blog: Derelict Songs blog. How about a video showcasing the skill of a woman who later in life took on the behaviour of playing an upright bass guitar in a bluegrass band? For myself, I just want to know the why about the woman playing the upright bass in the video. And...back to full circle, DAMN she sure has a purty voice. I call her the 'show stealer' on my other music blog. Maybe in the future I can have the good fortune of sitting down with her, if for only a minute and nine seconds and ask her why she decided she wanted to play upright bass. I am itching to find out.
Enjoy the video!
Thank you for reading!
P.S. I never publish my name on the internet, if I can help it. This is a big step for me.