I wanted to provide a couple of photos from the apartment/pseudo-vineyard. I did look at my Cabernet Franc cuttings that are in the pots inside my apartment, but I didn't have enough time to set up good lighting so that the buds on the cuttings could be seen on the photos. However, there does seem to be ongoing development with the Cab Franc cuttings. As I indicated in the previous posting, these particular cuttings must be adjusting to their new environment still, and coming out of a dormancy.
Syrah Grape vine. This cutting survived the winter. Growth is coming along.
Syrah Grape vine.
A Cabernet Sauvignon grape vine cutting. This is the second ( 2 of 6) to sprout in the apartment, thus far, since planted on March 1, 2010.
This particular specimen is the strongest of the batch I planted on March 1, 2010. It is the first of the lot to have 'bud break'. Very exciting times in the southeast Logan Square neighborhood of Chicago, IL at Conejo Loco Vineyards.
All photos for this post were taken on Thursday April 22, 2010.