Just got off the horn with my folks in St. Louis, Missouri. They have the parent
Cabernet Sauvignon grape vine. The report is that even with the netting up over the vines and shoots, to ward off the appetite of the local avian species, still there is something eating the grapes. I didn't have time to follow-up as the call was brief. Not sure if the leaves are also affected, or just the fruits/flowers. Could be a squirrel, could be a pest that I still have yet to learn about.
Today I also came across a fabulous piece from a fellow at Virginia Tech,
Fritz Westover. Excellent little presentation on Pruning, Anatomy of a Vine, other questions, etc.
In Southeast Logan Square it is already 90 degrees Fahrenheit!!! Yikes. Lots of growth from what I can tell in the garden. All is well.