Thursday, April 14, 2011

For the love of Cava!!!

A couple of pieces coming your way.

Things are generally growing, or coming out of the winter's dormancy. It is getting safer to grow. Fear of falling snow has now passed. Thunderstorms are frequenting us more in the land of the Chicago. I almost ran over a large rat as I rode my broken down ten speed bicycle, vintage early 70's. I was coming back from saying hello to Adam Faucett and William Blackart at the Double Door. The rat came out from under a car to my right. It was wishing to cross eastbound to the other side of my street, but once I came into its purview, it decided to return to the safety of the little Japanese-made vehicular device. Just like a squirrel when life and limb are at risk. Those rats have long tails, don't they?

The moon is coming around. I have a few shots to share.

Also, as I try more and more to keep abreast on the how's, the why's and the news of other more established operations, I am discovering that many of them already have been able to tell the good news: that bud break has arrived. I have such news as well, but only to report from my cuttings in-house(apt). I have yet to see growth on the outside vines. But all of the buds that I see as I walk past the gardens tell me that there are very good buds that are found on the vines. Many seem to have survived the winter.

This is also a nerve-wracking time for me as I have pruned these Chicago vines for the first time ever. As a result, these next 3-4 weeks are going to be nail-biting. What happens in the coming month is all going into the memory bank for the moment when I get my first 3 acres, whenever that will be. It'll be grueling, but brilliant. I need a success in this area to get under my belt.

The apartment is functioning as a greenhouse, essentially. Currently I have Mars Seedless(University of Arkansas hybrid) growing in pots, from cuttings, and Syrah vines, from cuttings. I hope maybe another round of Cabernet Sauvignon will come up, it looks like such a miracle may occur. Outside, the vines have not come to present the first leaf. Chicago can be a cold place. So I take this as a lesson for choosing the best vines for whatever locale I end up in, those that are best suited for the climate.

On Sunday last, the temperatures hit 82 degrees Fahrenheit - that is incredible!! As a result, the Lillies, Clematis, Willamette Hops, Hostas, Purple Coneflower, Joe Pye Weed have all begun to sprout. As well, I transplanted some Strawberries I have had for nearly 4 years. They were just simply being overrun by the beer hops and so I decided to give them a bit more room to breathe. Already, they are taking to their new home quite nicely. The Hops grew about 3 - 4 solid inches over the weekend. Out of control!!!

And, what is a summer without the Russian Mammoth Sunflower? Well, I suggest just grabbing a few seeds (the pack I bought was $1.00 flat) and grab a little soil and just push the seed into the soil. Water daily, and when the top of the soil appears dry. The sunflowers do the rest. They lean early.

The nose on this Cava, 1 + 1 = 3, I am indulging in is absolutely lovely. The flavor took a bit for me to come to, but the nose immediately befriended me upon my first sip.

Also, why not a shot of the boys? I couldn't get a photo of the rat quick enough, I apologize. It would've also required a third hand to ride the bike then also pull out the Sony and get it on the digital filmulation. Maybe another time, no?
